

Opening Hours

Marengo Asia Hospitals, Faridabad

Mon-Sat: 10:00 AM – 04:00 PM

Sunday: Closed

Mediclub Clinic

Mon-Sun: 05:30 PM – 07:30 PM

Thursday: Closed

Sunday: Closed

Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations, and sometimes loss of awareness. Anyone can develop epilepsy. however, it is quite common in adults and young children. It occurs slightly more in males than females.

When there is a sudden rush of electrical activity occurs in the brain, immediately seizure starts. Generalised seizures and partial seizures are two types of seizures. The first one affects the entire brain whereas the latter affects a part of the brain.

Facts about Epilepsy

  • Epilepsy is a tendency to have recurring seizures
  • Epilepsy can affect anyone. Any age, any background, any level of intelligence.
  • Epilepsy in not contagious.
  • Around 2 per cent of people will develop epilepsy at some stage in their life,

Symptoms of Epilepsy

The main symptom which helps in the diagnosis is the description of the fit/seizure. The most important thing is that the patient himself is not aware of the details of the event. Hence the practitioner has to elicit all the details of the event from the witness of the seizure/attack.

    • Loss of awareness or consciousness
    • A staring spell
    • short blackouts or confused memory
    • panic or anger
    • Anxiety & Fear
    • Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
    • Sudden Falling
    • Stiffness in the body
    • Short Spells of Blackout

Types of Epilepsy

Generalized Tonic Seizure: In this seizure, the patient becomes unconscious and his body becomes stiff which is followed by jerky movements of the body. This phase may last for few minutes. When the jerks subside, patient may remain unconscious or in confused state for sometime and recovers gradually

Complex Partial Seizures: . In this seizure, the patient becomes blank, has a staring look which is associated with lip Smacking, abnormal tongue and hand movements. This may last for 2-3 minutes. This may occur repeatedly in a day. He has loss of contact with the surroundings.

Myoclonic Seizures: n this seizure, the patient is conscious and has single/ multiple jerks. If jerks involve hands, the patient may complain of dropping of objects like tooth-brush, pen and tea-cup etc.If it involves legs, then the patient may fall.

Absence Seizures: This is commonly seen in children. The child becomes blank for few seconds. At times the parents and teachers may complain about his absent mindedness and inattentiveness


Cause of Epilepsy:

Stroke and tumors

Head Trauma


Viral encephalitis

Autism and neurofibromatosis

Prenatal injury